Hi, I'm Eileen!

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Minneapolis, MN, United States
Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm a photographer based out of the Twin Cities. I love photographing storybook portraits of families, children and weddings. When I'm not running around with my camera you'll find me shopping at the MOA, snuggling up with my kitty Dr. Vee or out and about enjoying the wonderful area that we live in!

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Juliana's winter wonderland

Who every said winter photo shoots weren't any fun?!

I had a little idea pop into my head today after Jul called me at noon and asked me if I wanted to go on a walk. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of a walk, out side. I mean maybe around the Mall, but not out side. I thought she was crazy. With enough convincing that the temp outside was not horrible I agreed and proposed a little photo shoot for the walk.

Jul rocked the boots with the fur and mittens with the ice cream cones. Only a Minnesotian would say 20 degree days aren't so bad after all :).

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